


楼主你好,我测试了一下OK的,想了挺长时间的 代码如下


Dim sua As Integer 'sua是存放上次的文件数的,所以必须为通用,静态,不然会丢失

Private Sub Form_Load()

File1.FileName = App.Path "\" "新建文件夹" '这里写你的那个什么数据库的地址

For i = 0 To File1.ListCount - 1 '循环我就不说了吧

If Right(File1.List(i), 4) = ".txt" Then sua = sua + 1 '在加载的时候 先算出文件夹里德文件数,这是sua的第一次赋值(即文件夹文件数)

Next i

End Sub

Private Sub 监视_Click()

File1.Refresh '每次按下去 都要先刷新一次,因为这样的话就可以更新文件数了

For i = 0 To File1.ListCount - 1

If Right(File1.List(i), 4) = ".txt" Then s = s + 1 '这里是算出 后缀是.txt的文件数

Next i

If s sua Then MsgBox "文件更新了" '判断 文件数是否 大于上一次的,,第一次按下按钮的时候 上一次 就是加载时候的文件数啦~

sua = s '在判断后 将s(这次的文件数)赋值给sua 那么在下次的上一句里sua 值就是 你这次的 值啦(储存s)

End Sub

如果有什么问题的话 hi我好了



set fso=createObject("scripting.filesystemObject")

Set dc = fso.Drives

for each d in dc

If d.isReady Then

    tmpstr=tmpstr "磁盘" d.DriveLetter ":" vbcrlf _

    "可用空间:" (d.AvailableSpace/1024/1024/1024) " GB" vbcrlf _

    "空余空间:" (d.FreeSpace/1024/1024/1024) " GB"  vbcrlf _

    "总空间大小:" (d.TotalSize/1024/1024/1024) " GB"  vbcrlf _

    "文件系统:" d.FileSystem vbcrlf _

    "驱动器类型:" d.DriveType vbcrlf _

    "是否就绪:" d.IsReady vbcrlf _

    "路径:" d.Path vbcrlf _

    "根目录:" d.RootFolder vbcrlf _

    "序列号:" d.SerialNumber vbcrlf _

    "共享名:" d.ShareName vbcrlf _

    "卷名:" d.VolumeName vbcrlf vbcrlf

 End If


msgbox tmpstr



Option Explicit

Dim a As Integer

Private Sub Command1_Click()

On Error GoTo uerror

For a = 1 To 4

MSComm1.CommPort = a

MSComm1.PortOpen = True '当True时是打开

If MSComm1.PortOpen = True Then

Print "可用Com号= "; a

MSComm1.PortOpen = False 当False时是关闭


End If


Exit Sub


If Err.Number = 8005 Then

Print "端口" a "已打开,请关闭其它应用程序占用的端口" a

ElseIf Err.Number = 8002 Then

Print "出错Com号= "; a

End If

Resume Next

End Sub


Option Explicit

Dim strData As String

Dim bytInput() As Byte

Dim dataSend() As Byte

Dim sj() As Byte

Dim i As Long

Dim Ulen As Long

Dim Llen As Long

Dim for_Sum As Long

Dim Yu_sum As Integer

Private Sub Form_Load() '初始化

Timer2.Interval = 10

MSComm1.Settings = "9600,n,8,1"

MSComm1.CommPort = 2

MSComm1.RThreshold = 1

MSComm1.PortOpen = True

MSComm2.Settings = "9600,n,8,1"

MSComm2.CommPort = 3

MSComm2.RThreshold = 1

MSComm2.PortOpen = True

End Sub

Private Sub MsComm1_OnComm()

Dim intInputLen As Integer

Select Case Me.MSComm1.CommEvent

Case comEvReceive


Me.MSComm1.InputMode = comInputModeBinary '二进制接收

intInputLen = Me.MSComm1.InBufferCount

ReDim bytInput(intInputLen)

bytInput = Me.MSComm1.Input


End Select

End Sub

Public Function jieshou() '接收数据处理为16进制字符

Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To UBound(bytInput)

If Len(Hex(bytInput(i))) = 1 Then

strData = strData "0" Hex(bytInput(i))


strData = strData Hex(bytInput(i))

End If


RichTextBox1 = strData

Text1 = Len(strData) \ 2

End Function

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Dim byts(131) As Byte

Dim l As Integer

byts(0) = H1

byts(1) = H39

byts(2) = H0

byts(3) = H0

byts(4) = HFF

For l = 5 To 131

byts(l) = 131 - l + 5


MSComm2.Output = byts

End Sub




Public Sub psubInitComPort(intMsCommIndex As Integer, intComNo As Integer, strSettings As String, intInBuffSize As Integer, intRThreshold As Integer, blnPortOpen As Boolean)

On Error GoTo err_proc

If blnPortOpen Then '--打开串口

MSComm(intMsCommIndex).CommPort = intComNo '--使用端口Com1~8

MSComm(intMsCommIndex).Settings = strSettings '"1200,N,8,1" '--设置端口属性,设置波特率1200、无奇偶校验、8数据位和1停止位

MSComm(intMsCommIndex).InBufferSize = intInBuffSize '1024 '--设置接收缓冲区大小为1024个字节

MSComm(intMsCommIndex).RThreshold = intRThreshold ' 12 '--设置每接收n个字节触发OnComm()事件

MSComm(intMsCommIndex).InBufferCount = 0 '--清空接收缓冲区

MSComm(intMsCommIndex).InputLen = 0 '--使用Input属性时在接收缓冲区读取的字符数,0为读取整个接收缓冲区内容

MSComm(intMsCommIndex).InputMode = comInputModeBinary '--Input属性取的数据是二进制数据

If Not MSComm(intMsCommIndex).PortOpen Then '--打开串口

MSComm(intMsCommIndex).PortOpen = True

End If


If MSComm(intMsCommIndex).PortOpen Then '--关闭串口

MSComm(intMsCommIndex).PortOpen = False

End If

End If

Exit Sub


End Sub


Private Sub MSComm_OnComm(Index As Integer)

On Error Resume Next

If MSComm(Index).CommEvent = comEvReceive Then '接收缓冲区收到已设定的n个字节

Select Case Index

Case 1 '→1#站加水

Call psubProcComDataCar(Index)

Case 2 '--2#站加水

Call psubProcComDataCar(Index)

Case 3 '--3#站加钢

Call psubProcComDataCar(Index)

' Case 5 '--


' Case 6 '--


' Case 7 '--


' Case 8 '--

End Select

End If

End Sub


Public Sub psubProcComDataCar(intComPortNum As Integer)

Dim intTmpi As Integer

Dim bytTmp() As Byte

Dim strtmp As String

On Error GoTo err_proc

bytTmp = Me.MSComm(intComPortNum).Input

For intTmpi = 0 To UBound(bytTmp)

strtmp = strtmp " " Format(bytTmp(intTmpi), "00")

Next intTmpi


Me.txtTmpRecv(intComPortNum) = Me.txtTmpRecv(intComPortNum) strtmp

If Len(Me.txtTmpRecv(intComPortNum).Text) 600 Then

Me.txtTmpRecv(intComPortNum).Text = ""

End If


Call UpdateDatebase(strtmp)

Exit Sub


End Sub


Public Sub UpdateDatebase(strData As String)

Dim gadoConnLocal As New ADODB.Connection

Dim gadoCmdLocal As New ADODB.Command

On Error Resume Next

gadoConnLocal.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\db1.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" '假设数据库名为db1,存放在C盘下

gadoConnLocal.CursorLocation = adUseClient

gadoConnLocal.Mode = adModeReadWrite '打开数据库为读写模式

gadoConnLocal.Open '连接数据库

gadoCmdLocal.ActiveConnection = gadoConnLocal

gadoCmdLocal.CommandType = adCmdText

gadoCmdLocal.CommandText = " insert into [数据表名] (字段1) values('" strData "')" '写入数据库


gadoConnLocal.Close '关闭数据库

Set gadoConnLocal = Nothing

Set gadoCmdLocal = Nothing

End Sub


简单代码如下 退出窗体用 end 或者 unload me msgbox inputbox 就不需要退出。。自己再修改吧

Dim i As Integer

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim StrQ(1, 2) As String, StrTemp As String

'声明一个数组变量'strq(0,0)存问题 strq(1,0)存答案

StrQ(0, 0) = "你叫?": StrQ(1, 0) = "你猜"

StrQ(0, 1) = "你是?": StrQ(1, 1) = "嘛人"

StrQ(0, 2) = "我说?": StrQ(1, 2) = "对头"

StrTemp = InputBox(StrQ(0, i), "问题")

If StrTemp = StrQ(1, i) Then

MsgBox "回答正确", , "标题"


MsgBox "回答错误", , "警示"

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click() '下一题

i = i + 1

End Sub

